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Modesto Police have a new surveillance vehicle in their arsenal – the Armadillo.

“Smile, you’re on camera” sums up what the Armadillo is going to be used for. Modesto Police hope the surveillance video captured will help deter crime.

The Armadillo has only been on the streets for a day and already, Esmeralda Garcia says she feels safer.

“It’s needed and not just this area – a lot of areas,” Garcia said.

Modesto Police say with its four wide-angle lens cameras and four zoom-capable high definition cameras, there’s little the Armadillo won’t see.

“We want this to serve as a deterrent or extra eyes out there for us,” police spokesperson Heather Graves said.

Best of all, the department says officers don’t have to be in the Armadillo but can remotely access video and even rewind to days earlier. Police stress the truck won’t be looking into anyone’s windows or private areas.

“We are focusing on public areas, we’re not trying to impede anyone’s privacy,” Graves said.

While some may not like the idea of big brother watching, Garcia says security in her neighborhood is much more important.

“We need a safer environment, period,” Garcia said.

The Armadillo also didn’t cost Modesto Police anything. The truck was donated by nearby Ceres Police, and the rest of the equipment was paid for by grant money.

Doug Johnson filed this report.